SEND Local Offer Greenside Care Club
(Preschool and Out of school Club)
What Is ‘The Local Offer?’
The local offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.
Below you will find information on what is available within in our provision.
The Setting
Greenside Care Club is a preschool, out of school club and holiday play scheme providing care for children ages 3-11years. The setting is located on the site of Greenside Primary school in a porta cabin on the school fields. The porta cabin has two main rooms, with free standing furniture which can be adapted as needed and it has an enclosed outdoor area. The main entrance is accessible by a ramp and the setting has a disabled w.c. The rooms are split off by age groups: Room1 is for ages 3-7 years and Room 2 is for children ages 8-11 years.
Room 1’s outdoor area consists of a tarmac area, an artificial grassed area and a large covered area. The outdoor tarmac and canopy areas are flat, and are accessed off the main room via 2 steps or by the main entrance using the ramp. The artificial grassed area leads off the main tarmac area and has two small humps, there is further access to the schools field via secure gates.
Room 2’s outdoor area consists of a tarmac area and the school fields. This outdoor area is accessed off the room with 2 steps leading on to the tarmac area and the school field.
Our Provision
At Greenside Care Club we strive to meet the needs of all our children, including those with SEN or a disability, by ensuring that they have full access to all areas of the provision in order to achieve their full potential. In order to do this various steps are taken to support them through their learning journey.
Children’s development and progress is monitored closely. From the initial home/settling in visits where information is shared and recorded to on entry assessments taken in the first few weeks. Each child’s individual assessments are tracked against the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) to determine where they are in relation to the seven areas of learning. Each child has their own learning journey that records their development via written observations, photographs and termly assessments. This learning journey is shared with parents while also informing the staff on areas of learning that need development and highlighting children’s next steps. Parents are encouraged to play an active part in their child’s care and learning via daily verbal communication with the staff team and via the parent section in the learning journey.
If you feel that your child has a special education need then you can speak to your child’s key person in the first instance. They will then liaise with the settings SENco Our SENco works closely with the key people and children to put in strategies and interventions to support the children. She liaises with external agencies/professionals to gain further advice and support to ensure a fluent plan for the child both in the setting at home.
Our designated SENco for the setting will oversee your child’s learning and development, supported by your child’s key person.
Our SENCO is responsible for:
ensuring liaison with parents and other professionals in respect of children with special educational needs
advising and supporting other practitioners in the setting
ensuring that appropriate Individual Education Plans are in place
ensuring that relevant background information about individual children with special educational needs is collected, recorded and updated
Children vary in the level and type of support they need, therefore each child will have their own individual educational plan (IEP).These plans are developed and shared with parents and reviewed regularly.
Your child’s learning and development is individualised to their needs. Next steps are planned for in accordance with their needs providing realistic targets and challenges. An individualised plan will be implemented to support your child’s learning and developmental needs. This may involve one to one adult support or activity sessions. Their key person will closely monitor their learning and development and assess their progress in line with the current government guidance.
Where your child may need additional support the setting will involve external agencies. This may involve professionals visiting the setting to deliver support or financial funding to assist in resources, funding to further train staff or provide extra staffing.
Training At Our Setting
All staff at the setting attend external training courses while also undertaking regularly in house training appropriate to the sessions they work. Training includes speech and language training, behaviour management, movement play and includes safeguarding children.
The majority of staff at the setting hold paediatric first aid certificates and all staff are trained on how to administer specific medication such as Epipens and asthma inhalers.
Settling In And Moving
On Our transition process starts with a home visit by the manager and SENco, followed closely by a visit to the setting for our open day where children and families get to meet all the staff and their child’s key person. After the open day visit, individual ‘settling in’ visits are arranged for each child, these are individualised to each child’s needs and experiences. These visits allow the child to build relationships with their key worker and become familiar with the setting.
When children move on to school, we invite the teacher to visit our preschool to familiarise and observe the child and to share information in partnership with parents. We share all the relevant records with the teacher, these include IEP’s, learning journeys, assessments and the transition report.
Further Information
For further information regarding the setting, please contact Gill Pullan on 0113 2562322.
Other useful numbers/website for further information:
The Family information service http://www.familyinformationleeds.co.uk/
Speech and Language https://www.leedscommunityhealthcare.nhs.uk/our-services-a-z/childrens-speech-and-language-therapy-service/childrens-speech-and-language-therapy-cslt-service/
Local Children’s centre http://www.pudseysouthroyd.leeds.sch.uk/school-information/childrens-centre